Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

Tips for Handling a Dog Who's a Whiner!

by: Kristi Carter

Puppies are very similar to babies - when babies are not content, they cry. When puppies are not content, they whine. If they think they are starving, if they are hot or cold or if they are tired they whine. This is the way that they communicate with their mothers, who promptly respond with something to eat, a cuddle or two and security. As the mother responds continuously, the puppy begins to realize that her whines bring help from her mother, so the puppy will continue to whine, knowing that the mother will respond. Adopting a puppy at 8 to 10 weeks will bring her a possible new realization. The whining doesn't necessarily work with her new 'pack,' or that her whining brings her new mother (you) to her aid.

This is why many people will tell you to allow the puppy to sleep by herself. When you respond naturally to her whining with comfort and sympathy, she will learn that she gets attention and love when she whines. Therefore, she will continue to whine. If she is truly upset for some reason, of course you should respond to her whines. She may be truly scared that she has been moved from her familiar location and is with a new family in a new place. Here's the trick. Wait until your puppy is not whining so that you can cuddle, love her and give plenty of attention. This way, your puppy doesn't correlate the whining with the attention she's getting.

When she realizes that the whining isn't getting her anything, she will not do it anymore. You might have a really hard time ignoring her whining and you will want to pick her up and give her some comfort, but doing this could lead to a hard road! Now, it's important to realize that some puppies will not just stop whining. If your puppy is one of those, grab an instant when she's quiet to give her some attention. Even if she only stops whining for a second, that's when you should respond. This way, you are not allowing her to be completely miserable and neglected, but you are not teaching her that whining gets what she wants.

Adult Whiners

While most dogs will not continue to whine after half a year of age or so, many of them do continue to whine. If yours does, there are a few different reasons. One of them is that your dog is whining and truly doesn't realize that she's doing it or that she's learned that this is the way to get what she needs or wants. There are a few reasons your dog may whine and some of those include the fact that your dog is in pain or hurting, he or she is feeling a bit lonely, it's potty time or he or she is nervous or scared.

In order to figure out how to respond, you need to figure out why she's whining. There are times when there is a legitimate reason and times when it's simply because she is craving your attention. Here are some of the ways that you can respond depending upon why your dog is whining.

A Whine That Says, "I'm in Pain!"

If your dog begins whining suddenly, or with a sharp yelp and then continues on for a while she may be in pain. There are many different things that might cause pain for puppies, younger dogs and adult dogs. You need to check the obvious things to see if there is a reason she is whining. For instance, checking to see that she's holding any paws up or if she is acting strangely. Then you can check her body for injuries of any kind to see if there is something present which is causing the pain. After that, feel her limbs, especially around the joints to see if you feel any swelling or strange differences in her. Be sure to be very gentle as you don't want to cause more pain. If you simply can't find anything, don't rule out the possibility that your dog may be in pain. A trip to your veterinarian is a good idea.

A Whine That Says, "I'm Bored!"

There is a significant demeanor that you may notice in your dog who is whining because she's bored. She may pace around the room or follow you throughout the house. She will whine to herself and seem miserable! One great tip is to give her some quick exercise. Take her for a run, play a half hour game of fetch or do something else that she loves to do. You may also want to make sure that she starts getting more play time each day - whether you are exercising her or taking her out and about while you run errands. Either way, you will create a solution to her boredom and hopefully stop the whining. Spend more quality time with your pooch, cuddling, loving and showing attention!

A Whine That Says, "I'm Scared."

If your dog is afraid of something, the whining will be different than the other reasons. For instance, she may look in one direction while she's whining. If there is a lot of lighting or thunder during a storm and she looks toward the windows, whining, she is probably frightened. She may also be anxious if there is no direction to her whining. Pause and determine your own mood as dogs often pick up on the stress and tension in their pack leaders. If this is the case, you should never try to punish your dog to make him or her stop whining. In fact, it will most likely make it worse. The key is to tune her out. Sure, it sounds terrible but when you do it, you teach your dog that she is scared or anxious for no reason. Running to comfort her and give her attention will confirm her feeling of fear or anxiety. Rather, ignore her until she stops whining and then give her the attention she needs!

A Whine That Says, "I Need to GO."

This one is an easy one. If your dog is whining because she needs to go to outside, she is obviously potty trained. She really needs to go but knows that the place to do it is not inside the house. She will probably stand by the door, looking at you and then looking back at the door. She may also have the look that owners come to recognize in their dogs after a while. The look says, "I really need to go!" Simply let her out - no big deal!

About The Author

Kristi Carter

Is your dog traumatized when you leave him alone? Don't get mad or frustrated. He may be suffering from dog separation anxiety. Learn proven and humane tips to help him overcome dog separation anxiety once and for all! Visit http://www.dogseparationanxiety.net today!

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